Wheat contains many minerals. The amount of minerals present in a wheat sample often varies among cultivars and growing environments. It is also determined by the type, soil, climate, and agricultural practices, such as organic farming.
The intake of plant nutrients and their interaction with each other is one of the issues that should be carefully considered.
Minerals are essential micronutrients for human health and wheat stands out for being an important source of these components, including microelements such as Fe, Cu, Mn, and Zn; and macroelements, such as Mg, Ca, Na, and K.
Minerals form a small part of the wheat kernel, and an even smaller proportion of the endosperm- less than 1%.
Even the minerals in wheat kernel are not uniformly distributed; rather, they are concentrated in the area close to the bran coat and in bran itself. It is the aleurone layer that is the primary domain of wheat minerals.
Phytin crystals are not found in any other bran structure by the aleurone cells. Aleurone is the layer between the bran and the endosperm.
Major constituents of the mineral fraction are the phosphates and sulfates of potassium, magnesium, and calcium. Some of the phosphate is present in the form of phytic acid.
Phytic acid concentrated in the bran, phytic acid may impair the absorption of minerals, such as calcium, iron and zinc – to form indigestible compounds, thereby limiting the body’s intake of these minerals and possibly leading to deficiency.
One report shows the following ranges, in mg per kg, for wheat: iron 18-31, copper 1.8-6.2, manganese., 24-37, and selenium 0.04 – 0.71.
Iron plays an important role in the synthesis of hemoglobin. Moreover, it is a structural component of myoglobin as well as cofactor of several enzymes.
Selenium: This trace element has various essential functions in human body. The selenium content of wheat depends on the soil — and is very low in some regions, including China.
Sodium in wheat is present at a level of only about 80 ppm and is considered a trace element in this case. Hard wheat generally contains more of these elements than soft wheat
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